
Topic 3 The Right Mindset for Persisting in Something (Moving Towards a Set Goal)

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Topic 3 The Right Mindset for Persisting in Something (Moving Towards a Set Goal)

2023年9月9日 第一版

粉色大象 故事

What if we’d try not to think of a pink elephant. This probably won’t work. Because as soon as the pink elephant appears in our minds, it’s impossible to get rid of it by consciously not thinking about it. And the more we try to get rid of it, the more it persists. 

The elephant simile is commonly used to show how difficult it is to get rid of intrusive thoughts by force. But we could also use this simile as a metaphor for how we approach dissatisfaction with life.



The pink elephant, in this case, represents our general dissatisfaction, which may manifest as negative emotions like sadness, stress, anger, or boredom. Ironically, the more we try to be less dissatisfied, the more dissatisfied we become. So could it be that this inclination to be so invested in becoming free from dissatisfaction, trying to be happy, trying to be content, is exactly the reason we aren’t?



Here we see the paradox of willpower, which is the basis of ‘the law of reversed effort’ also referred to as ‘the backwards law’ by philosopher Alan Watts. The backwards law proposes that the more we pursue something, the more we achieve the opposite of what we truly want and the more disappointed we feel. Or simply put: the harder we try, the less likely we’ll succeed. On the flip side: when we stop trying, we’ll have what we want.


理解哲学意义 大目标与前进动力不足的原因

Imagine that you’ve set yourself a goal, which is that you want to become a millionaire, believing that this will make you happy. Setting such a goal not only means that it takes a lot of effort to reach contentment; it also means that being so far removed from that goal makes you unhappy because you realize how inadequate you are compared to what you want to be. Or how bestselling author Mark Manson put it:


[..] pursuing something only reinforces the fact that you lack it in the first place. 

[..] 追求某物只会强化你一开始就缺乏它的事实。

The more you desperately want to be rich, the more poor and unworthy you feel, regardless of how much money you actually make. 



So, when we strive towards a long-term goal, during the execution process, we subconsciously compare our current abilities with the goal. However, this kind of comparison often leads to disappointment because the purpose of the goal is to enhance our abilities. The result of this comparison is that we realize our existing abilities are insufficient, and significant effort is required to achieve the goal, which makes the whole endeavor feel more challenging. As the comparisons continue, our sense of disappointment deepens, and we start to fear facing this long-term goal, gradually leading to a loss of motivation to take action.


True Desires, What we really want 1

So, what do we desire? Do we desire happiness? And if so, what is happiness? Is it something that we acquire through things like love and material possessions? According to Alan Watts, we don’t know what we truly want because we cannot define it.


True Desires, What we really want 2

“Why don’t you really know what you want? Two reasons that you don’t really know what you want. Number one: you have it. Number two: you don’t know yourself, because you never can. The Godhead is never an object of its own knowledge, just as a knife doesn’t cut itself, fire doesn’t burn itself, light doesn’t illuminate itself.”


如何完成目标?1 早点追求目标,把他优先考虑

You don't need me to tell you that the internet is an ADHD inducing place full of cheap dopamine highs and shallow thinking. Checking your Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Reddit before reading a good book is like binge eating Skittles before tasting a fine wine. The wine will taste way worse and you'll feel too sick to drink it anyways. 


Point being - read books before your brain is zapped by the internet. A great way to do this, obviously, is to read first thing in the morning. Which brings me right to my next tip.


如何完成目标? 2 把目标与现实捆绑

Habit bunching is when you pair an already existing habit that you enjoy doing with a habit that you're trying to work on. If it's a habit for you to drink a nice hot cup of coffee in the morning, then pair that habit with reading. An easy way to do this is to put the book you want to read next to your coffee maker in the morning so when you get up and make yourself a cup of coffee you'll see the book and you'll grab it and go. By bunching an already existing habit with one you're trying to work on, not only will it be easier to work on that new habit but the enjoyability of the first habit may even rub off on the second one.


S10: Achieve Thing----Let Go

What do we do when the things we want are impossible for us to attain? What do we do when things become hopeless?



In Greek mythology, King Sisyphus found himself in a seemingly hopeless situation. After he upset the gods several times, they condemned him to eternal punishment. They tasked him with rolling a boulder up a mountain, but anytime the boulder gets close to the top of the mountain, it rolls back down, and he has to start all over again. Accomplishing the task is futile. Escaping his punishment is impossible. So it seems that Sisyphus is trapped in a hopeless situation. What can he do to overcome it?



When things become hopeless, the wisest thing to do is to let go. And what must Sisyphus let go of? The past. He can’t keep clinging on to his past life, the life he had before he was punished, the life he had as a king, with his wealth, hundreds of servants, and his wife. Because the longer and more tightly he clings to the past, the more unbearable the present moment becomes. He must realize that there is no going backwards. He must accept the present moment and move forward.



And once he accepts the present, he can look towards the future. Sisyphus can set himself a new goal that gives meaning to the present moment. For example, maybe he sets the goal of being so muscular when he eventually gets out that his wife will hardly be able to recognize him. And even though he might never get out, he still finds the goal useful to give meaning to his present suffering. He finds the goal useful to give him hope. So he starts tracking the number of times he can lift the boulder up the mountain in a single day.



Then he starts tracking the amount of time it takes him to roll the boulder up once. So every day, he increase the number of times and speed with which he lifts the boulder up the mountain, causing him to get stronger and stronger each day. So by letting go of the past, accepting the present moment as fate, and setting a future goal that gives meaning to his present suffering, he regains a new sense of hope and joy.


But how does Sisyphus’ story relate to our own lives?

At one time or another, all of us will be faced with a situation similar to him. Maybe someone close to us passes away or we unexpectedly lose a limb in a car crash, and we find ourselves clinging to a past that is no longer attainable. And at that moment, we must decide: Do we continue to pursue the unattainable and live in frustration, or do we move on? Do we remain stuck in the past, or will we, like Sisyphus, learn to let go of the past by embracing our current situation as our destiny and setting a new goal that gives meaning to our current suffering. Maybe we take the pain from losing a loved one and use it as fuel to create a future that honors them. Or maybe we take the pain of losing a limb and use it as fuel to become an inspiration to others, to show them that it’s possible to thrive under any circumstance.



Pain stops being pain at the moment it becomes fuel for a better future, or as Viktor Frankl, a holocaust survivor, wrote in his book “Man’s Search for Meaning”, “... suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds a meaning…”


